Design of a new dedicated brain PET system by GATE (1982),Annual European congress of Nuclear Medicine,1386/04/10 _ 1386/04/10,نيره السادات مرتضوي مقدم, عليرضا كريميان, مجتبي مستجاب الدعواتي

Design of a new dedicated brain PET system by Monte Carlo method (1864),9th Congress World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WCNMB 2006,1385/07/30 _ 1385/07/30,نيره السادات مرتضوي مقدم, عليرضا كريميان, مجتبي مستجاب الدعواتي

Optimization of Industrial Radiography Technique for Defect Detection of Oil and Gas Pipeline in Weld Regions by Image processing methods (2946),International Conference on Recent Developments and Applications of Nuclear Technologies,1387/06/24 _ 1387/06/24,عليرضا كريميان, منير ترابيان, محمدرضا يزدچي

Corrosion detection improvement of oil and gas pipelines with industrial radiography method by using image processing (69),, International Conference on Recent Developments and Applications of Nuclear Technologies,,1387/06/24 _ 1387/06/24,عليرضا كريميان, سپيده يزداني, امير موافقي

A new method for head motion detection in nuclear medicine studies of brain (4583),World Molecular Imaging Conference 2008 (WMIC2008,1387/06/20 _ 1387/06/20,عليرضا كريميان

A new method for head motion detection in nuclear medicinne studies of brain (114),10th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle ,Particle ,Space Physics , Detectors and Medical Physics Applications,1386/07/16 _ 1386/07/16,عليرضا كريميان, غلامرضا رئيسعلي, سيد بيژن جيا, محمد فرهاد رحيمي

Production, Quality Control and initial imaging studies of [Rb-82m] RbCl for PET studies (4574),World Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (WCNMB 2006),1385/07/18 _ 1385/07/18,محسن کيومرثي, پژمان روشن فرزاد, اميررضا جليليان, مهشيد ثابت, عليرضا كريميان

Electromagnetic fields and human health (4388),The second workshop of electromagnetic compatibility,1384/06/31 _ 1384/06/31,عليرضا كريميان

Preparation, distribution, stability and tumor imaging properties of [62Zn] bleomycin complex in normal and tumor – bearing mice as a molecular PET generator (3249),ISTR 2005,1384/06/19 _ 1384/06/19,اميررضا جليليان, بهروز فاتح, عليرضا كريميان, محسن کمالي مقدم

Production, quality control and initial imaging studies of [82m Rb] Rb injection for PET studies (3249),ISTR 2005,1384/06/19 _ 1384/06/19,اميررضا جليليان, پژمان روشن فرزاد, محسن کيومرثي, مهشيد ثابت, عليرضا كريميان

A Dedicated PET System for Breast Imaging (CYBPET) (2645),IEEE Medical Imaging Conference,1383/07/29 _ 1383/07/29,عليرضا كريميان, C.J. Thompson, سعيد سرکار, غلامرضا رئيسعلي, R.Pani, هادي دويلو, داريوش سرداري

Imaging performances of LaCl3:Ce scintillation crystals in SPECT (2647),IEEE Medical imaging Conference (MIC2004,1383/07/25 _ 1383/07/25,Pani R, Cinti MN, De Notaristefani F, Pellegrini R, Bennati P, Betti M, G.Trotta, عليرضا كريميان, Mattioli M, Garibaldi F, Cusanno F, Orsolini Cencelli

Imaging characteristics comparison of compact pixellated detectors for Scintimammography (2646),IEEE Medical Imaging Conference (MIC,1383/07/25 _ 1383/07/25,Roberto Pani, Paolo Benati, Marina Cinti, R.Pellegrini, S.Ridolfi, N.Lanconelli, F.Cusanno, عليرضا كريميان, M.Marini, F.de Notaristefani

A New Dedicated PET System For breast Imaging (1981),Annual European Assossiation of Nuvclear Medicine,1382/06/02 _ 1382/06/02,عليرضا كريميان, سعيد سرکار, غلامرضا رئيسعلي, حبيب زيدي

Motion Correction of SPECT Projection before Reconstruction (195),11th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer graphics, Visualization and Computer vision 2003,1381/11/18 _ 1381/11/18,محمدعلي عقابيان, ايرج محمدي, سعيد سرکار, عليرضا كريميان

(1115),2th International Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology in Iran,1383/02/08 _ 1383/02/08,صديقه مرادخاني, فريبا سدادي, ميترا مطلوبي, اميررضا جليليان, كمال الدين شفائي, سعيد دانشوري, عليرضا كريميان

Motion Detection and Correction of Motion Defect in SPECT Imaging (10788),,1383/02/22 _ 1383/02/22,محمدعلي عقابيان, ايرج محمدي, سعيد سرکار, عليرضا كريميان

Evaluation of 131- IPPA cardiac imaging results applied in laboratory animals (3035),international congress of radiopharmacy & radiopharmaceutical chemistry,1383/04/12 _ 1383/04/12,صديقه مرادخاني, فريبا سدادي, ميترا مطلوبي, اميررضا جليليان, كمال الدين شفائي, سعيد دانشوري, عليرضا كريميان

OSEM in accurate evaluation of CAD using cardiac SPECT (2732),internatioanl symposium on ordiovascuiar nuclear medicine,1381/03/06 _ 1381/03/06,فريبا سدادي, عليرضا كريميان, صديقه مراد خاني, رزيتا دژبان خان

Quality assessment of brain images in SPECT by Hoffman phantom (10883),,1381/07/27 _ 1381/07/27,عليرضا كريميان, فريبا سدادي, بهرنگ مصلي, صديقه مرادخاني, رزيتا دژبان خان, مهربان پولادي

(6848),,1381/02/30 _ 1381/02/30,حميد رفيعي, عليرضا كريميان, عباس رنجبرزاده, فريبا سدادي, صديقه مرادخاني, مهربان پولادي

Quality control of Gamma camera and DHC system (3190),Iranian congress of nuclear medicine,1379/07/19 _ 1379/07/19,عليرضا كريميان, حسين افريده

Corrosion detection in pipelines using industrial radiography and image processing (3903),The 2nd International Conference on Technical Inspection and NDT (TINDT 2008),1387/07/30 _ 1387/07/30,عليرضا كريميان, سپيده يزداني, امير موافقي

Optimization of Interpretation of Industrial Radiographs for Defect Detection of Oil and Gas Pipeline Welds (3902),The 2nd International Conference on Technical Inspection and NDT (TINDT 2008,1387/07/30 _ 1387/07/30,منير ترابيان, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا يزدچي

Assessment and comparison of SPECT brain images using UHRFB and LEHR collimators by Hoffman phantom (788),2008World Molecular Imaging Conference 2008 (WMIC2008,1387/06/20 _ 1387/06/20,عليرضا كريميان, عبداله خورشيدي, فريبا سدادي, مهدي صادقي, صديقه مرادخاني, مهربان پولادي

(11273),,1387/06/03 _ 1387/06/03,عليرضا كريميان, سيد بيژن جيا, غلامرضا رئيسعلي, محمد فرهاد رحيمي

(11292),,1387/06/07 _ 1387/06/07,عليرضا كريميان, سيد بيژن جيا, محمد فرهاد رحيمي, غلامرضا رئيسعلي

OSEM in accurate evaluation of CAD using cardiac SPECT (10883),,1381/07/27 _ 1381/07/27,فريبا سدادي, عليرضا كريميان, صديقه مرادخاني, رزيتا دژبان خان

Production of Non-Flourine -18 PET tracers in IRAN (4481),TURKU PET Symposium - New Targets in Molecular Imaging,1387/03/04 _ 1387/03/04,Jalilian AR, Rowshanfarzad P, Sabet M, Kamali-dehghan MM, Akhlaghi M, Mirzaii Fateh B, Rajamand AA, Ensaf M, Shadanpour N, Bahrami A, Sattari A, عليرضا كريميان, Saddadi F

Feasibility study of 94m-Tc production at the cyclotron accelerator for Positron Emission Tomography(PET) (4481),TURKU PET Symposium - New Targets in Molecular Imaging,1387/03/04 _ 1387/03/04,مهدي صادقي, کاکاوند, عليرضا كريميان, عارف

(11276),,1388/05/24 _ 1388/05/24,عليرضا كريميان, ماهان محمدرضايي, فريبا سدادي, قاسم فروزاني, صديقه مرادخاني, مهربان پولادي

A new and simple method for attenuation correction in cardiac imaging by SPECT system (4577),World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC-2009),1388/06/18 _ 1388/06/18,عليرضا كريميان, ماهان محمدرضايي, فريبا سدادي, قاسم فروزاني

FMDIB: a software tool for fusion of MRI and DHC-SPECT images of Brain (4577),World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC-2009),1388/06/18 _ 1388/06/18,محمد حسين چوپان دستجردي, عليرضا كريميان, حسين آفريده, احمد حاجي محمدزاده

Design of a new Compton Camera by Monte Carlo method and assessment its important parameters affecting image quality (4576),World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC-2009,1388/06/20 _ 1388/06/20,عليرضا كريميان, بيژن جيا, غلامرضا رئيس علي, محمدفرهاد رحيمي

(11279),,1389/06/20 _ 1389/06/20,نگار مصدق, عليرضا كريميان, الهام شاه حسيني, احمد حاجي محمد زاده, شهاب شيباني

(11279),,1389/06/20 _ 1389/06/20,سيد مجتبي سادات اشکور, عليرضا كريميان, محمد ميرزايي, غلامرضا اصلاني

(11279),,1389/06/20 _ 1389/06/20,عليرضا كريميان, ماهان محمد رضايي, فريبا سدادي, قاسم فروزاني

(11279),,1389/06/20 _ 1389/06/20,عليرضا كريميان, زيبا اقبالي, صمد فرخي

Evaluation of personnel absorbed dose in production of medical radioisotopes by 5 MW research reactor using Rando phantom and Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (2941),International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine,1389/06/10 _ 1389/06/10,نگار مصدق, عليرضا كريميان, الهام شاه حسيني, احمد حاجي محمد زاده, شهاب شيباني

Reducing the absorbed dose in analogue radiography of infant chest images by improving the image quality, using image processing techniques (2941),International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine,1389/06/10 _ 1389/06/10,عليرضا كريميان, سپيده يزداني, محمد علي عسکري

Assessment of personnel absorbed dose in production of medical radioisotopes by cyclotron (2941),International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine,1389/06/10 _ 1389/06/10,سيد مجتبي سادات اشکور, عليرضا كريميان, محمد ميرزايي

Absorbed dose assessment of cardiac and other tissues around the cardiovascular in brachytherapy with 90Sr/90Y source by Monte Carlo simulation (2941),International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine,1389/06/10 _ 1389/06/10,سميه سقامنش, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا عبدي

A New Method for Linear Transmission Attenuation Correction in Cardiac SPECT Images (4584),World Molecular Imaging Congress 2010,1389/06/19 _ 1389/06/19,عليرضا كريميان, ماهان محمدرضايي, فريبا سدادي, قاسم فروزاني

Dose Calculation of cardiac and its surrounding tissues in the 90Sr/90Y cardiovascular brachytherapy by MCNPX (11294),,1389/06/20 _ 1389/06/20,سميه سقامنش, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا عبدي

(),,1389/08/12 _ 1389/08/12,عاطفه حجاري زاده, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا عبدي

Absorbed Dose Assessment of Kidney, Ovary and Cervix in BMD Scan by Monte Carlo Method (800),2010 IEEE Conference on Open Systems,1389/09/14 _ 1389/09/14,محمدرضا عبدي, عاطفه حجاري زاده, عليرضا كريميان, خديجه رضائي ابراهيم سرائي

Improvement of Defect Detection in Mammographic Film Images by Image Processing Techniques (100),10th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics,1389/07/23 _ 1389/07/23,سپيده يزداني, عليرضا كريميان, منير ترابيان

Assessment of using new Scintillation crystal (LaBr3) in PET system by Monte Carlo method (4579),World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006,1385/06/06 _ 1385/06/06,عليرضا كريميان, C.J. Thompson

Optimization of the Detectors for Simultaneous PET/MRI Imaging of the Human Brain (4579),World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006,1385/06/06 _ 1385/06/06,C.J. Thompson, J. Young Suk, عليرضا كريميان

Assessment of using new scintillation crystal (LaBr3) in PET system by Monte Carlo method (4579),World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006,1385/06/06 _ 1385/06/06,عليرضا كريميان, C.J. Thompson

Optimization Of the Detectors for Simultaneous PET/MRI Imaging of the Human Brain (4582),World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 (WC2006),1385/06/06 _ 1385/06/06,C.J. Thompson, J.Y. Suk, عليرضا كريميان

(8577),,1388/12/05 _ 1388/12/05,مژده اسلامي, محمدرضا يزدچي, عليرضا كريميان

(8131),,1385/08/10 _ 1385/08/10,اميررضا جليليان, مهدي اخلاقي, فريبا سدادي, محمد ميرزايي, عليرضا كريميان, مهربان پولادي, يوسف ياري كامراني, نامي شادانپور

prepration and biodistribution of [201Tl](III) vancomycin complex in normal rats (8131),,1385/08/10 _ 1385/08/10,اميررضا جليليان, محمد امين حسيني, عليرضا كريميان, محسن کمالي دهقان, مهدي صادقي, فريبا سدادي, مرادخاني

Automatic Luminal Border Detection in IVUS Images : A Textural Approach (10776),,1389/08/05 _ 1389/08/05,شاهد محمدي, محمدرضا يزدچي, عليرضا كريميان, هاجر محمدي

(10776),,1389/08/05 _ 1389/08/05,منير ترابيان, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا يزدچي, سپيده يزداني

(13629),,1389/08/12 _ 1389/08/12,شاهد محمدي, محمدرضا يزدچي, عليرضا كريميان, هاجر محمدي

(8637),,1387/08/07 _ 1387/08/07,محمدرضا يزدچي, پريسا بقايي انارکي, عليرضا كريميان

Enhancement Detection of microcalcifications in Mammographic Film Images by denoising and image processing techniques (635),18th International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP2011),1390/01/28 _ 1390/01/28,عليرضا كريميان, سپيده يزداني

153Sm-EDTMP absorbed dose evaluation for under bone metastasis treatment patient by Monte Carlo method (635),18th International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP2011),1390/01/28 _ 1390/01/28,عليرضا كريميان, زيبا اقبالي, صمد فرخي, ايرج جباري, علي آذرنوش

Estimation of absorbed dose of human tissues during BMD scan by TLD chips and Monte Carlo method (635),18th International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP2011),1390/01/28 _ 1390/01/28,عليرضا كريميان, عاطفه حجاري زاده, محمدرضا عبدي

Assessment of personnel absorbed dose in production of FDG radiopharmaceutical by Cyclotron (635),18th International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP2011),1390/01/28 _ 1390/01/28,عليرضا كريميان, سيد مجتبي سادات اشکور, محمد ميرزايي, غلامرضا اصلاني, ارژنگ شاهور

Calculation of reactor personnel absorbed dose by using TLD-100H and comparison the results with TLDs-700 (635),18th International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP2011),1390/01/28 _ 1390/01/28,عليرضا كريميان, نگار مصدق, الهام شاه حسيني, احمد محمدزاده, شهاب شيباني

Detection and Classification of Benign and Malignant Microcalcification Clusters with Cellular Automata in MammographyImages (635),18th International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP2011),1390/01/28 _ 1390/01/28,هاجر مرادمند, سعيد ستايشي, عليرضا كريميان, مهري سيروس, حميد خزائي طرقي

Metal Artifact Correction in CT images by a new algorithm (696),1st International Conference of Medical Physics (MEFOMP,1390/08/12 _ 1390/08/12,محسن صفدري, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا يزدچي

Evaluation of absorbed dose in eye proton therapy by Monte Carlo method (696),1st International Conference of Medical Physics (MEFOMP,1390/08/12 _ 1390/08/12,مرضيه توکل, عليرضا كريميان, مجتبي مستجاب الدعواتي

Dosimetry calculations of intravascular brachytherapy for a 90Sr/90Y source by Monte Carlo simulation (696),1st International Conference of Medical Physics (MEFOMP,1390/08/12 _ 1390/08/12,سميه سقامنش, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا عبدي

Utilize TLD chips and Monte Carlo method for evaluation of absorbed dose of human tissues in BMD scan (696),1st International Conference of Medical Physics (MEFOMP,1390/08/12 _ 1390/08/12,عاطفه حجاري زاده, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا عبدي

Metal Artifact Reduction in CT images of Head by Image Processing Techniques (2934),International Conference on Physics Science and Technology (ICPST 2011,1390/09/21 _ 1390/09/21,محسن صفدري, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا يزدچي

(),,1390/09/28 _ 1390/09/28,عليرضا كريميان

(),,1389/09/22 _ 1389/09/22,عليرضا كريميان

GAMMA DOSE EVALUATION OF ITER BASED ON NEUTRON ACTIVATION CALCULATION (4226),The First International Conference onRadiation and Dosimetry inVarious Fields of Research (RAD 2012),1391/02/06 _ 1391/02/06,امير کورنگ بهشتي, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا عبدي, ايرج جباري

EXTRA ABSORBED DOSE ASSESSMENT OF CARDIAC AND OTHER TISSUES AROUND THE CARDIAC DURING TRANSMISSION ATTENUATION CORRECTION OF CARDIAC SPECT IMAGING (4223),The First International Conference onRadiation and Dosimetry inVarious Fields of Research (RAD 2012,1391/02/06 _ 1391/02/06,عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا هديه زاده, A.Hajarizadeh

Assessment of dose distribution in human eye proton therapy by Monte Carlo method (4223),The First International Conference onRadiation and Dosimetry inVarious Fields of Research (RAD 2012,1391/02/06 _ 1391/02/06,مرضيه توکل, عليرضا كريميان, مجتبي مستجاب الدعواتي

Risk assessment of bone metastasis treatment by Monte Carlo method (4217),The First International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry inVarious Fields of Research (RAD 2012,1391/02/06 _ 1391/02/06,عليرضا كريميان, زيبا اقبالي, ايرج جباري

Absorbed dose assessment of breast, cardiac and other tissue during breast imaging by SPECT (4223),The First International Conference onRadiation and Dosimetry inVarious Fields of Research (RAD 2012,1391/02/06 _ 1391/02/06,مريم بسيج, عليرضا كريميان

(),,1391/03/06 _ 1391/03/06,ياسر فخاري, عليرضا كريميان, مجيد محمدبيگي

(),,1379/07/24 _ 1379/07/24,عليرضا كريميان

Treatment optimization of a brain tumor in BNCT by Monte Carlo method (),?UROPEAN MEDICAL PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING CONFERENCE,1391/07/28 _ 1391/07/28,سحر نجات دهکردي, عليرضا كريميان, عليرضا بينش

MRI and SPECT brain image fusion enhancement by image processing methods (2320),European Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (EMPEC2012),1391/07/27 _ 1391/07/27,آزاده قجر جزي, عليرضا كريميان

Absorbed dose evaluation of cancerous and healthy parts of brain during radiation therapy by LINAC using Monte Carlo method (2320),European Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (EMPEC2012),1391/07/27 _ 1391/07/27,سيد اميد هاشمي کروئي, عليرضا كريميان, مهدي ادريسي, شهرام منادي

Detection of masses in mammograms by analysis of gradient vector convergence using sector filter (2320),European Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (EMPEC2012),1391/07/27 _ 1391/07/27,ياسر فخاري, عليرضا كريميان, مجيد محمدبيگي

Nonlinear de-speckling and edge preserving filter in wavelet domain for medical ultrasound images (2320),European Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (EMPEC2012),1391/07/27 _ 1391/07/27,فاطمه صفوي, عليرضا كريميان, حسين پورقاسم, مريم نيک نژادي

Computation of lung absorbed dose in brachytherapy by using Ir-192 (2320),European Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (EMPEC2012),1391/07/27 _ 1391/07/27,آرزو کريمي زاده, عليرضا كريميان

Absorbed dose estimation of gonads resulting from fault work of staff during injection of radio pharmaceuticals to the patients (2320),European Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (EMPEC2012),1391/07/27 _ 1391/07/27,مرضيه ملکي, عليرضا كريميان

Calculation of primary dose in proton-therapy of brain tumors using Monte Carlo method (2320),European Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (EMPEC2012),1391/07/27 _ 1391/07/27,فاطمه مقبل اصفهاني, عليرضا كريميان, محمد حسن علامت ساز

Enhancement and denoising of mammographic images for breast disease detection (2320),European Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (EMPEC2012),1391/07/27 _ 1391/07/27,سپيده يزداني, R. Yusof, عليرضا كريميان, ا. همتيان, م.م. يوسفي

Dose rate evaluation of body phantom behind interbio – shield wall using Monte Carlo method (2320),European Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (EMPEC2012),1391/07/27 _ 1391/07/27,امير کورنگ بهشتي, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا عبدي, ايرج جباري

(8541),,1392/09/27 _ 1392/09/27,عليرضا كريميان, مريم رمضاني

(),,1392/10/04 _ 1392/10/04,سيده بتول شکوهيان, عليرضا كريميان, محمد محمدزاده

A new threshold-based method for automatic skin lesions segmentation in macroscopic images (6915),,1393/02/30 _ 1393/02/30,مريم رمضاني, عليرضا كريميان, پيمان معلم

DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF A NEW NMR SPIRAL PLANAR MICROCOIL (3534),Second International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Field of Research (RAD2014,1393/03/06 _ 1393/03/06,عليرضا كريميان, سيده بتول شکوهيان, محمد محمدزاده

SKIN CANCER ASSESSMENT IN UROLITHIASIS PATIENTS DURING URETEROSCOPIC TREATMENT (3536),Second International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Field of Research (RAD2014),1393/03/07 _ 1393/03/07,عليرضا كريميان, مريم رمضاني

RADIATION ABSORBED DOSE ASSESSMENT OF CREW MEMBERS BY MONTE CARLO METHOD (3534),Second International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Field of Research (RAD2014,1393/03/06 _ 1393/03/06,عليرضا كريميان, اشکان نعماني

RADIATION ABSORBED DOSES ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICIAN AND PATIENT (CHILD AND ADULT) DURING RENAL ANGIOGRAPHY (3534),Second International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Field of Research (RAD2014,1393/03/06 _ 1393/03/06,عليرضا كريميان, بهاره نيک پرور, ايرج جباري

Calculation of patient and physician radiation absorbed doses in coronary angiography using Monte Carlo simulation (2943),International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine (RPM 2014),1393/03/11 _ 1393/03/11,عليرضا كريميان, بهاره نيک پرور, ايرج جباري

Absorbed dose calculation of first and secondary particles in brain proton therapy by Monte Carlo method (2943),International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine (RPM 2014),1393/03/11 _ 1393/03/11,عليرضا كريميان, نسيم السادات موسوي سوادکوهي, محمد حسن علامت ساز

Evaluation the reduction amount of absorbed dose in whole body CT scan by using tungsten and lead shields (2943),International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine (RPM 2014),1393/03/11 _ 1393/03/11,عليرضا كريميان, سمانه بهتاج

Absorbed dose assessment of healthy and glandular breast tissue in mammography (2943),International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine (RPM 2014),1393/03/11 _ 1393/03/11,عليرضا كريميان, مرضيه باقري

(11284),,1393/06/17 _ 1393/06/17,عليرضا كريميان, نسيم موسوي سوادکوهي, محمدحسن علامت ساز

(11284),,1393/06/17 _ 1393/06/17,سپيده ترک, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا يزدچي

(11284),,1393/06/17 _ 1393/06/17,سيده زهرا مويديان, عليرضا كريميان, محمدحسن علامت ساز, اكبر پروازيان

(15191),,1393/08/15 _ 1393/08/15,سپيده ترک, عليرضا كريميان, محمدرضا يزدچي

(15191),,1393/08/15 _ 1393/08/15,ميترا مؤمنزاده, عليرضا كريميان

(15191),,1393/08/15 _ 1393/08/15,سحر نجات, عليرضا كريميان, عليرضا بينش

(15191),,1393/08/15 _ 1393/08/15,بهاره نيک پرور, عليرضا كريميان, ايرج جباري

(15191),,1393/08/15 _ 1393/08/15,سيده زهرا مويديان, عليرضا كريميان, محمد حسن علامت ساز, اکبر پروازيان

(),,1393/08/16 _ 1393/08/16,زهرا کاوسي, عليرضا كريميان, ايرج جباري

(15191),,1393/08/15 _ 1393/08/15,نسيمالسادات موسويسوادكوهي, عليرضا كريميان, محمدحسن علامتساز

(),,1393/12/01 _ 1393/12/01,منير ترابيان, عليرضا كريميان

A New Algorithm for Metal Artifact Reduction in PET-CT Images (4454),Third International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2015,1394/03/20 _ 1394/03/20,عليرضا كريميان, علي خاکسار, وهاب دهلقي, پرديس غفاريان

Assessment the Effect of X-ray Crosstalk on Spatial Resolution in CT Scanners Due to Lack of High Voltage Calibration (4454),Third International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2015,1394/03/20 _ 1394/03/20,زهرا کاوسي, عليرضا كريميان, ايرج جباري

Design and Execution of a Method to Improve the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Disease in Brain MRI Images (4454),Third International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2015,1394/03/20 _ 1394/03/20,سيمين جعفري, عليرضا كريميان, حسين پور قاسم

Efficiency Assessment of a Digital and CR Mammography (4454),Third International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2015,1394/03/20 _ 1394/03/20,عليرضا كريميان, ميترا مومن زاده, مسعود عسکري

Assessment of Proton and Neutron Absorbed Doses in Proton Therapy of Deep and Semi-Deep Tumors Inside the Liver Using Monte Carlo Method (4454),Third International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2015,1394/03/20 _ 1394/03/20,عليرضا كريميان, زهرا مويديان, محمدحسن علامت ساز

A hybrid method for brain MRI classification (2205),Control Conference (ASCC), 2015 10th Asian,1394/04/12 _ 1394/04/12,سپيده يزداني, R. Yusof, M. Pashna, عليرضا كريميان

Design a new algorithm to count white blood cells for classification leukemic blood image using machine vision system (4033),The 6th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE 2016),1395/07/29 _ 1395/07/29,زهرا خندان خادم الرضا, عليرضا كريميان

(),,1397/06/05 _ 1397/06/05,نسيم موسوي سوادکوهي, عليرضا كريميان, محمدحسن علامت ساز

(),,1397/06/05 _ 1397/06/05,زهرا آقايي, عليرضا كريميان, محمدحسن علامت ساز

(),,1397/07/26 _ 1397/07/26,فائزه ملک زاده تربه بر, عليرضا كريميان, احمد شيراني, مصطفي رباط جزي, مهدي اخلاقي

(),,1397/07/26 _ 1397/07/26,زهرا آقائي, عليرضا كريميان, محمدحسن علامت ساز

(),,1397/07/26 _ 1397/07/26,محمودرضا اكبري, عليرضا كريميان

A novel convolutional neural network with high convergence rate: Application to CT synthesis from MR images (23),(2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC,1398/08/04 _ 1398/08/04,عباس بهرامي, عليرضا كريميان, عماد فاطمي زاده, حسين عربي, Habib Zaidi

(),The 6th Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS 2020),1399/10/03 _ 1399/10/04,هانيه عربيان, عليرضا كريميان, حميدرضا مراتب

Evaluation of fetus absorbed dose in trimester of pregnancy in SPECT-CT imaging by considering the biological Half-life of the injected radiopharmaceutical (),The 6th conference of ionizing, and non-ionizing radiation measurement, and safety,1400/05/13 _ 1400/05/14,فائزه ملك زاده تر به بر, عليرضا كريميان, احمد شيراني

Assessment of absorbed dose uncertainty in proton therapy of prostate by Monte Carlo method (),The 6th conference of ionizing, and non-ionizing radiation measurement, and safety,1400/05/13 _ 1400/05/14,هانيه ميرزايي, عليرضا كريميان, محمدحسن علامت ساز

Equivalent Dose uncertainty assessment of primary and secondary particles in proton therapy of prostate cancer by Monte Carlo method (),Annual physics conference of Iran 2021,1400/06/01 _ 1400/06/04,هانيه ميرزايي, عليرضا كريميان, محمدحسن علامت ساز

Deep Attention-based Seminal Segmentation: A Practical Deep Learning Framework for Accurate Segmentation of the Hippocampus from Magnetic Resonance Images (),IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC),1400/07/24 _ 1400/08/01,هانيه عربيان, عليرضا كريميان, رضا راستي بروجني, حسين اعرابي, Zaidi Habib

Assessment of Transformer-Based Models for Cardiac Systolic Abnormality Segmentation in Cardiac Catheterization X-Ray Images (),The 31st National and 9th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME 2024),1403/09/08 _ 1403/09/09,مسعود نوروزي, حسين عربي, عليرضا كريميان