(9638),,1368/09/19 _ 1368/09/19,محسن ميوه چي, دكتر حسين علوي

(),,1393/02/31 _ 1393/02/31,فرشاد ميراميرخاني, محمدفرزان صباحي, محسن ميوه چي, محسن يادگاري

(),,1392/12/21 _ 1392/12/21,فرشاد ميراميرخاني, محمدفرزان صباحي, محسن ميوه چي, محسن يادگاري

Evaluating Sweep Noisy Barrage Jamming Effect on Tracking Radar Based on Functioning Destruction Time (4390),The seventh International Symposium on Telecommunications - IST2014,1393/05/28 _ 1393/05/28,سعيد ميغاني, محسن ميوه چي, محمدفرزان صباحي

Adaptive time frequency Kernel Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis to distinguish range deception jamming (39),(International Confrerence on computing,communication and networking technologies (6th ICCCNT,1394/04/22 _ 1394/04/22,مهدي نوري, محسن ميوه چي, سجاد اباذري اقدم

(10040),,1393/09/13 _ 1393/09/13,زينب شماعي, محسن ميوه چي, محمدفرزان صباحي

A novel topology of MMIC distributed amplifier with high gain and low noise for radar application (2950),international conference on research in engineering, science and technology,1394/04/30 _ 1394/04/30,محمدرضا ذاکرحقيقي, محسن ميوه چي

A new structure to cope more effectively with tracking jamming and evaluating the effect of jamming on radar receiver using new criteria (4323),the international conference on non-linear systems & optimization in computer and electrical engineering,1394/03/05 _ 1394/03/05,محمدرضا ذاکرحقيقي, محسن ميوه چي, محمدفرزان صباحي

A new design of low noise distributed amplifier for radar application (),,1394/05/24 _ 1394/05/24,محمدرضا ذاکرحقيقي, محسن ميوه چي

(),,1394/02/20 _ 1394/02/20,الهه قرباني, محسن ميوه چي, پيمان معلم

(),,1393/11/30 _ 1393/11/30,حميد قاسمي جوجيلي, محسن ميوه چي

Mitigation of multipath interference in passive radar using a stage approach in RF band (2729),internatinal conference on non- linear models & optimization , computer & electrical engineering,1394/03/05 _ 1394/03/05,زينب شماعي, محسن ميوه چي, محمدفرزان صباحي

(),,1394/06/19 _ 1394/06/19,محمدرضا ذاکرحقيقي, محسن ميوه چي

(13472),,1382/09/20 _ 1382/09/20,محسن ميوه چي

(13473),,1383/09/20 _ 1383/09/20,محسن ميوه چي

(13411),,1385/09/22 _ 1385/09/22,محسن ميوه چي

(13475),,1385/09/20 _ 1385/09/20,محسن ميوه چي

(13475),,1385/09/20 _ 1385/09/20,محسن ميوه چي

(),,1395/02/24 _ 1395/02/24,پگاه طحاني, محسن ميوه چي

(),,1395/04/31 _ 1395/04/31,نگين قاسمي, محسن ميوه چي

A novel compressed sensing DOA estimatin using difference set codes (4220),The first International conference on Signal Processing and Intelegent Systems,1394/09/25 _ 1394/09/25,ايمان تقوي بافقي, محمدفرزان صباحي, فرزاد پرورش, محسن ميوه چي

A new analaytical algorithm for the determination of the load reflection coefficient to maximization dynamic range in high frequency power amplifiers (4544),Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), 2016 IEEE 17th Annual,1395/01/23 _ 1395/01/23,حميد قاسمي جوجيلي, محسن ميوه چي, مهدي نوري, سجاد اباذري اقدم