Effect of graft condition on the formation of nano porous membrane by UV-assisted graft polymerization of Acrylic Acid (1087),2nd Iran-India Joint Conference on Nanotechnology (IIJCN-2009) Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative,1388/02/17 _ 1388/02/17,مريم همايون فال فيني

Preparation and characterization of polysulfone Nano Structure membranes via photografted polymerization (1048),2nd International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,1387/08/07 _ 1387/08/07,مريم همايون فال فيني

Modification and characterization of prepared polysulfone ultrafiltration membranes via photografted polymerization: Effect of different additives (2187),Conference on Membranes in Drinking Water Production and Wastewater Treatment,1387/07/29 _ 1387/07/29,مريم همايون فال فيني

Control of Polysulfone Ultrafiltration Membrane haracteristics by Changing Molecular Weight of additives and UV Irradiation Parameters (3743),The 12th Iranian National Chemical Engineering Congress,1387/08/01 _ 1387/08/01,مريم همايون فال فيني

Treatment of acid dyes textile effluents by Modified ultrafiltration membranes (2771),International conference of applied research in textile CIRAT-3,1387/08/23 _ 1387/08/23,مريم همايون فال فيني

Preparation of Polysulfonenano-structured membrane for removal metal ions from water (2376),First International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse,1388/08/19 _ 1388/08/19,مريم همايون فال فيني

Coating modification of polysulfone ultrafiltration membranes forseparation of water from W/O emulsions (3596),Small Water and Wastewater Systems& 4th Conference on Decentralized Water and Wastewater InternationalNetwork,1390/01/29 _ 1390/01/29,مريم همايون فال فيني

Fabrication of Nano-structured Polysulfone Membranes for Application in Amoxicillin Recovery from Pharmaceutical Wastewater (1633),6th IWA specialist conference on membrane technology for water and wastewater treatment,1390/07/12 _ 1390/07/12,مريم همايون فال فيني

Phenolic Wastewater Treatment by Pure Culture of Alcaligenes faecalise: Batch and MBR systems (1636),6th IWA specialist conferenceon membrane technology for water and wastewater treatment,1390/07/12 _ 1390/07/12,مريم همايون فال فيني

Influence of nano-adsorbents on membrane fouling inmembrane bioreactor (1635),6th IWA specialist conference on membrane technologyfor water and wastewater treatment,1390/07/12 _ 1390/07/12,مريم همايون فال فيني

Application of low-cost membranes in a submerged membranebioreactor (1634),6th IWA specialist conference on membrane technology for waterand wastewater treatment,1390/07/12 _ 1390/07/12,مريم همايون فال فيني

Effect of PEG molecular weight and coagulation temperature on amoxicillin separation by polysulfone nanofiltration membrane (1687),7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition,1390/08/30 _ 1390/08/30,مريم همايون فال فيني

The Use of Nanocomposite Membranes for Decreasing Fouling in Membrane Bioreactors (3043),International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2012),1391/05/18 _ 1391/05/18,مريم همايون فال فيني

UV photo-polymerization of nanofiltration membranes for separation of ceftazidime and amoxicillin from the pharmaceutical wastewater (4016),The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibiton,1392/06/17 _ 1392/06/17,مريم همايون فال فيني

Fabrication of magnetic nanocomposite membrane for separation of organic contaminant from water (4016),The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibiton,1392/06/17 _ 1392/06/17,مريم همايون فال فيني

Cibacron Blue dye deposition on polymeric film: Investigation of impregnation route on BSA adsorption (1773),8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition,1392/12/05 _ 1392/12/05,مريم همايون فال فيني

Effect of Magnetic Field on Prepared Magnetic Nanocomposite Membrane Structure and Perfomance (1497),5th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2014),1393/08/02 _ 1393/08/02,مريم همايون فال فيني

Fouling behaviour of PSf/ZnO nanocomposite membrane in Humic acid filtration (3256),IWA Balkan Young Water Professionals 2015,1394/02/20 _ 1394/02/20,جاودانه, مهرنيا, مريم همايون فال فيني

Effect of magnetic field on Fe3O4-Alumina-polysulfone nanocomposite ultrafiltration membranes in terms of dye rejection and pure water flux (3256),IWA Balkan Young Water Professionals 2015,1394/02/20 _ 1394/02/20,مرداني, مهرنيا, مريم همايون فال فيني, جاودانه

Industrial synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles: study on the synthesis method, characteristics, and suggestive proposal for application in biological filtration medium (3256),IWA Balkan Young Water Professionals 2015,1394/02/20 _ 1394/02/20,مريم همايون فال فيني, رباني, عزتي, شريعتي نياسر

(),,1394/08/19 _ 1394/08/19,مريم آرام, پريسا اسكندري, مهرداد فرهاديان اصفهاني, مريم همايون فال فيني

(14517),,1394/08/19 _ 1394/08/19,پريسا اسكندري, مهرداد فرهاديان اصفهاني, عليرضا سليماني نظر, مريم همايون فال فيني

(),,1393/09/26 _ 1393/09/26,مريم همايون فال فيني, محمدرضا مهرنيا

Polyacrylonitrile/Al2O3 flat sheet mixed-matrix nanocomposite ultrafiltration membranes with enhanced pure water flux and dye rejection (3736),The 12th International Conference on Membrane Science & Technology,1394/08/10 _ 1394/08/10,سعيد قزلقشلاقي, محمدرضا مهرنيا, محمدمهدي منتظر رحمتي, مريم همايون فال فيني

Effect of Biological and Antibacterial properties of PSF/ZnO nanocomposite membrane on fouling behavior in MBR system (3738),The 12th International Conference onMembrane Science & Technology,1394/08/10 _ 1394/08/10,شيما جاودانه, محمدرضا مهرنيا, مريم همايون فال فيني

Separation of disperse dye by super-hydrophilic Sulfonated ZrO2/PAN nanocomposite membrane (1546),5th Young Water Profrssionals Conference,1396/04/15 _ 1396/04/15,کمال منصف, مريم همايون فال فيني, فاطمه داور, امير گشادرو

Performance comparison of ZrO2/PAN and Fe3O4/PAN nanocomposite membrane in humic acid filtration (1545),5th Young Water Professionals,1396/04/15 _ 1396/04/15,امين نورمحمدي, مريم همايون فال فيني, محمدرضا مهرنيا, فاطمه داور

Deposition of thin film polyacrylic acid nanofiltration membrane onto polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane to improve filtration behavior (3692),The 10th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2018),1397/02/16 _ 1397/02/16,زهره ذبيحي, مريم همايون فال فيني, فاطمه داور, کمال الدين منصف

Fabrication of PAN/ZnO/SA nanocomposite membrane in order to fouling mitigation in a submerged membrane bioreactor (3692),The 10th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2018),1397/02/16 _ 1397/02/16,فاطمه سخندان, مريم همايون فال فيني, فاطمه داور, رضوان کريمي

Synthesis of nanocomposite membrane containing bare and core-shell nanoparticles with antifouling property (3692),The 10th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2018),1397/02/16 _ 1397/02/16,رضوان کريمي, مريم همايون فال فيني, فاطمه داور, فاطمه سخندان

Synthesis of Polysulfone Nanocomposite Membrane Containing Carboxylic Functionalized Zirconium Oxide Nanoparticles (3692),The 10th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2018),1397/02/16 _ 1397/02/16,كمال الدين منصف, مريم همايون فال فيني, فاطمه داور, امير گشادرو, زهره ذبيحي

Evaluation the effect of CdSe and ZnSe nanoparticles on polysulfone membrane for humic acid Separation from synthetic wastewater (),11th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2020),1399/01/27 _ 1399/01/29,مينا مرتضوي پناه, مريم همايون فال فيني, فاطمه داور, مريم صادقپور

Evaluation the effect of ZIF-8 loading onto polyacrylonitrile membrane for separation of anti-cancer doxorubicin from synthetic wastewater (),11th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2020),1399/01/27 _ 1399/01/29,مريم صادقپور, مريم همايون فال فيني, فاطمه داور, مينا مرتضوي پناه

Preparation of micro-nano structure from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) by electrospun and selective removal (),15th International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology,1401/08/17 _ 1401/08/19,بهناز قلاوند, غلامعلي كوهمره, مريم همايون فال فيني

Oil/water separation driven by membrane affinity: Separation of toluene, hexane and diesel from water by hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity property (),The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2023),1402/09/22 _ 1402/09/24,سحر افلاكي, مريم همايون فال فيني, مريم قاسمي صالح بابري

Fabrication of pH-responsive smart membrane to separate the anticancer drug fluorouracil from synthetic wastewater (),The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2023),1402/09/22 _ 1402/09/24,پارسا باقرپور, مريم همايون فال فيني, فاطمه طهماسبي سفيد دشتي

Effect of CdSe NPs and pH-sensitive PA polymer on membrane fouling and permeability (),The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2023),1402/09/22 _ 1402/09/24,مريم قاسمي صالح بابري, مريم همايون فال فيني, سحر افلاكي

Exploring the Impact of Zn/Cd based Nanoparticles on Membrane Fouling in Membrane Bioreactors (),The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2023),1402/09/22 _ 1402/12/24,زهره حاج هاشمي, مريم همايون فال فيني, فاطمه سادات حسيني سمناني

PAN Membrane Upgrades for Hemodialysis: Uremic Toxin Removal and Oxidative Stress Mitigation (),The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2023),1402/09/22 _ 1402/09/24,فاطمه سادات حسيني سمناني, مريم همايون فال فيني, زهره حاج هاشمي

Separation of oil-in-water emulsion using TiO2 nanophotocatalyst modified PAN membrane (),The 12th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2023),1402/09/22 _ 1402/12/24,فاطمه طهماسبي سفيد دشتي, مريم همايون فال فيني, پارسا باقرپور