Narrowband interference Suppression in CDMA using random walk tracking algorithm (2610),IEEE ICICS-PCM 2003,1382/09/27 _ 1382/09/27,سيدمحمد صابرعلي, حميد رضا امين داور

A blind scheme for narrowband interference suppression in CDMA using random walk tracking algorithm (2598),IEEE 5th Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications,1383/04/24 _ 1383/04/24,سيدمحمد صابرعلي, حميدرضا امين داور

Novel Nonlinear Functions Used for Optimal Detection in Gaussian Mixture Noise Based on Maximum Entropy Densities (2602),IEEE Conference Sensor Array and Multi-channel signal processing SAM 2006,1384/12/21 _ 1384/12/21,سيدمحمد صابرعلي, حميد رضا امين داور, Rodney lynn Kirlin

Locally optimal detection for weak spread spectrum signal in the presence of powerful narrowband M-ary ASK interference (2650),IEEE Pacific Rim Conference, PACRIM 2007,1386/05/31 _ 1386/05/31,سيدمحمد صابرعلي, حميد رضا امين داور

Spread Spectrum Signal Detection in Overlay Systems Using Maximum Entropy PDF Estimation Based On Fractional Moments (2600),IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2007,1386/01/26 _ 1386/01/26,سيدمحمد صابرعلي, حميد رضا امين داور

Weak BPSK signal detection in the presence of cochannel interference with time varying characteristic using maximum entropy principle (2601),IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2008.,1387/01/12 _ 1387/01/12,سيدمحمد صابرعلي, حميد رضا امين داور

Detection of the weak signal in the presence of strong interference using locally optimal rule and estimation of the parameters with the method of moments (2606),IEEE Global Communications Conference, Globecom 2011,1390/09/17 _ 1390/09/17,سيد علي صابرعلي, سيدمحمد صابرعلي, حميدرضا امين داور

(),,1391/07/12 _ 1391/07/12,سيد مهدي شهشان, پيمان معلم, سيد علي شهشان, سيدمحمد صابرعلي

(),,1392/12/21 _ 1392/12/21,احمدرضا صادقي, محمدفرزان صباحي, سيدمحمد صابرعلي

Blind Nonlinear Multiuser Detection for CDMA Signals in the Presence of Alpha-Stable Noise and Strong Cochannel Interferer Using Empirical Characteristic Function (917),22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering,1393/03/01 _ 1393/03/01,سيدمحمد صابرعلي, حميدرضا امين داور

Model Order Selection Based on Different Information Criteria for PDF Estimation Using Maximum Entropy Method and Application in Cognitive Radio systems (1724),7th International Symposium on Telecommunications,1393/06/18 _ 1393/06/18,سميرا حسيني, سيدمحمد صابرعلي, محمدفرزان صباحي

(),,1394/02/20 _ 1394/02/20,الهه جوادي, سيدمحمد صابرعلي

Non-Data-Aided Estimation of Signal Level in Unknown Noise Using Empirical Characteristic Function (924),23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering,1394/02/20 _ 1394/02/20,سينا بخشنده بابرصاد, سيدمحمد صابرعلي, اميررضا فروزان

On the Relationship of the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound and Channel Capacity in an Interfered Binary Channel through the Log-Likelihood Ratio (),,1394/09/25 _ 1394/09/25,مرضيه معماري پور, سيدمحمد صابرعلي

On the Relationship of the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound and Channel Capacity in an Interfered Binary Channel through the Log-Likelihood Ratio (),,1394/09/25 _ 1394/09/25,سيدمحمد صابرعلي

Performance Investigation of the Modified Costas Carrier Recovery Loop for a QPSK Modulated Signal in the Presence of Co-Channel Interference (940),24th Iranian Conference on Electrical Enggineering,1395/02/21 _ 1395/02/21,محمدعلي منتظرالقائم, عليرضا حيدرپور, سيدمحمد صابرعلي

Using Convolutional Codes in Underlay Cognitive Radios: Performances and BER Bounds (710),1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICNRAECE),1395/02/24 _ 1395/02/24,احمدرضا حسني, سيدمحمد صابرعلي, فرزاد پرورش

Computing Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-off of Static QMF Communication Strategy in Diamond Half-Duplex Relay Channels (2279),Eighth International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST2016),1395/07/06 _ 1395/07/06,هديه سلطاني زاده, فرزاد پرورش, سيدمحمد صابرعلي

(),,1396/02/12 _ 1396/02/12,محمدرضا فاضلي ورزنه, سيدمحمد صابرعلي, فرزاد پرورش

Difference Set Coding in Stepped Frequency Radar (),2019 Sixth Iranian Conference on Radar and Surveillance Systems,1398/01/29 _ 1398/09/01,مهرداد غفاري, محمدفرزان صباحي, سيدمحمد صابرعلي