March 12, 2025

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering
  Mechanical Engineering may be regarded as the most comprehensive discipline in engineering in terms of the variety of issues covered by this discipline. Mechanical Engineering embraces all sciences and techniques that are related to production, conversion and consumption of energy, creation and conversion of motion and task performance, production and manufacturing of parts and machinery , the use of different materials in their construction as well as designing and controlling mechanical, thermal and fluids systems. The department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 2007 and the first group of BSc students were admitted to the subdiscipline of Thermal and Fluids in February of the same year. A Master’s program in the subdiscipline of Mechatronics Engineering was launched in the department in 2013. Mechatronics is a combination of the three disciplines of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, which aims to achieve less complicated, cheaper and more intelligent mechanical systems. The current programs of the department of Mechanical Engineering include a BSc program in Mechanical Engineering, Master’s programs in Mechanical Engineering (Applied Mechanics and Designing), Energy Conversion and Mechatronics as well as PhD programs in Mechanical Engineering (Applied Mechanics and Designing) and Energy Conversion.
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