March 12, 2025

Department of Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering
The Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Isfahan was established in 1995 by admitting 31 BSc students. Following the scientific development perspective and with the aim of training experts who can fulfill the needs of educational and research centers as well as research and development (R&D) in industries, this department has extended its activities to admit the graduate students in MSc and PhD programs since 2003 and 2008, respectively. Also, in recent years, several postdoctoral researchers in this group have conducted state-of-the-art or technological innovation researches.
The achievement of top ranks by students in “Scientific Olympiads for Students of Universities”, the inclusion of some of the faculty members of this department in the list of top national or international researchers, the publishing of highly cited articles and running several technological projects have been the honors of the Chemical Engineering Department in recent years.
At present, the Chemical Engineering Department has 5 educational and 7 research laboratories. This department has 16 full-time faculty members, including 4 full professors, 4 associate professors and 8 assistant professors.
Currently, the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Isfahan admit BSc and PhD students in the general field of chemical engineering and MSc students in the following orientations:
• Chemical Engineering
               1.Process Design
               3.Separation Process
• Polymer Engineering-Processing
 It should be noted that this department is going to establish two new fields including Energy Engineering as well as Thermo-kinetics and Catalyst, and will hopefully admit graduate students in next year.

دانشگاه اصغهان
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